With respect to nature
At the end of the last century, environmental issues were the domain of only a handful of left-wing intellectuals. Twenty years later, we are all in this together. Every day, every minute, it is in the power of each of us to consciously choose the steps that minimize the impact of our actions on the environment.
One of the areas that still have many reserves in this regard is the area of business. We are personally interested in environmental issues and have 15 years of business experience, so we know what is important. We will show you how to set up processes so that they are more environmentally friendly and at the same time save your costs. It is a win-win situation.
Business as a living organism
Your company/organization is a living organism. You have to keep it healthy and sometimes adapt it to the outside environment. The speed at which today’s society is changing has long exceeded the speed of sound. Can’t keep up? Tell us. We will help you look at your business from an appropriate distance and plan the necessary changes.
What exactly can we help you with?
We are searching for subsidy programs that help municipalities, non-profit organizations and entrepreneurs to financially maintain operations or expand. We administer ongoing projects for our clients and make sure they develop correctly.
→ For municipalities
→ For entrepreneurs
→ For non-profits

Innovation and technology
Is the expansion of the universe accelerating, or is it constant, and time is slowing down, as physicists Senovilla and Vera claim? We watch the changing world with the eagerness and enthusiasm of a child. We are always two steps ahead; feet on the ground but with his head in the clouds. Digital transformation, innovation and smart technologies are our daily bread and we will help you with them.
which makes sense
Our world is changing at lightning speed, and so is marketing. Commercials on TV or print media are no longer in the leads as the focus shifts to the online world of social media, influencers and YouTubers. We will advise you on how to keep up with the times and effectively present your business despite constant social changes.
→ Communication strategy
→ PR
→ Working with the brand
→ Social networks

About us
GetBizDone s.r.o. social enterprise deals with subsidies, fundraising, marketing and interpretation. We co-create and administer subsidy projects of our clients. As a social responsibility, we support non-profit organizations that help disabled, disadvantaged children, seniors and parents. We support the creation of interesting educational projects and the professionalization of non-profit organizations, as well as the commercialization of ecological solutions.
We are an integrative social enterprise
• We employ more than 50% of disabled employees.
• More than 51% of the profit is reinvested in the development of the company and “Social benefit”, which is defined in the charter of the s.r.o.
• We cooperate preferably locally and have defined environmental principles.
• We are members of TESSEA – Thematic Network for Social Economy.
GetBizDone s.r.o. social enterprise deals with subsidies, fundraising, marketing and interpretation. We co-create and administer subsidy projects of our clients. As a social responsibility, we support non-profit organizations that help disabled, disadvantaged children, seniors and parents. We support the creation of interesting educational projects and the professionalization of non-profit organizations, as well as the commercialization of ecological solutions.
Mission and vision

The consulting company GetBizDone will become the operator of the new exemplary inclusive and barrier-free Center Orlík and a provider of additional inclusive education, individual counseling and therapy in direct cooperation with schools in the region. There will be a concrete development of projects that we are already organizing ourselves or in cooperation with non-profit organizations.

Ecological projects
We administer and implement projects to improve air cleanliness, measure air cleanliness and plant trees in Zdibe, Mělník and Ústí nad Labem worth CZK 45 million.
Greenair MělníkGreenair ZdibyCleanair D8 TentairSocial projects
We initiated and prepared projects for support
meadow biodiversity and the creation of the environmental social enterprise Mýdlárna
Koukol worth 14 million CZK.
We initiated and prepared the Czech Parks project, whose
the operation was subsequently taken over by our partner company Good Sailors.
Meeting projects
We initiated and prepared innovative projects for solutions
prevention of mental health in the region of Česká Lípa and Liberec, as well as projects supporting families with children with autism spectrum disorders worth CZK 12 million.
We led projects supporting the integration of Ukrainians
refugees in the Czech Republic and Poland and sharing methods with online teaching C.L.O.W.N. worth CZK 4 million.
Communication development projects
and public participation
We initiated and prepared a project for the City of Varnsdorf
to support intergenerational cooperation. For the Municipality of Zdiby and Corridor D8 z.s. a public participation project in the field of municipal development worth CZK 9 million.
It currently supports flexible employment for parents at
parental leave and the creation of an educational offer for these parents in cooperation with Mumdoo.

Contact us

GetBizDone s.r.o.
Československé armády 1369/26
470 01 Česká Lípa
IČ: 08268835, DIČ: CZ08268835
The company is registered at the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem, file number C. 43803.
+420 775 025 678